The agony of defeat! (I couldn’t resist!)
Can you imagine what a pedicure would cost?
great news! whereas zombie boy is barefoot
If Zombie Boy ever got a curse on his feet, he wouldn’t have to worry if his shoes will fit!
What do they say about WOMEN with big feet??
They have a really big – shoe closet.
Wow thats hard to miss!
Sasquatch eat yer heart out!
At least that would make it much easier for her to paint her toenails!
She’s have to use one of those big roller brushes.
She probably did have to buy new sandals because of her new shoe size…
My guess is that the spell worked from the ankles down so her sandals grew with her feet.
I’ll bet she could water ski with those!
I’m sure she could!
Morgan: “My, what big feet you have Claustria!” Claustria: “All the better to kick you to the moon with Morgan McCorkindale!!”
….thats how I see THIS going! [smirk]
Those feet are Stompin’ size, for sure!
I hope a free pedicure comes with those sandals.
That’s easy enough. Can I borrow a pair of garden shears?
She probably has very good balance.
Ain’t nobody gonna be knocking her off those feet!
I love this character because he reminds me of Joey Ramone if Joey Ramone was a jerk with giant feet.
Never thought about that, but you’re right!
Nothing scares me more than a woman with big feet
You must be suffering from podophobia. Just be careful when you slow dance with ’em if you value your toes.
She can use those sandals to go canoeing
Or snow skiing!
Somethings afoot!
I’m certain she won’t be able to sneak up on anybody with those!
He got her good!
She could have a very promising career as a grape crusher in a Vineyard with those monstrosities.
Haha, Becky, that is such a funny visual!
She could perform great “feats” in her future.
Every journey begins with a single humongous step, Chris!
‘Bigfoot cartoonists’ are back in style!
Are you familiar with Boody Rogers’ Slap Happy? Talk about bigfoot cartoons!
Damn. All the the good foot puns are taken. I guess I’ll have to stand down.
It’s OK, Saeed, put your feet up and rest awhile. You’ll come up with something…
I didn’t notice anyone saying anything about her having alot of soul. It was a stretch but it could work. Or being able to play “footsie” from across a crowded room.
With feet that size, footsie involves some deep bruising and small bone fractures, but its otherwise great fun!
Gives a new meaning to “Bigfoot”! :`D
She makes Bigfoot’s feet look petite!
Those sandals should have an “all access to feet” label on the box. Plus, talk about big toes. Claustria has got some “boats” for feet!
She’s the only girl in the world who needs reverse beepers on her shoes!
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The agony of defeat! (I couldn’t resist!)
Can you imagine what a pedicure would cost?
great news! whereas zombie boy is barefoot
If Zombie Boy ever got a curse on his feet, he wouldn’t have to worry if his shoes will fit!
What do they say about WOMEN with big feet??
They have a really big – shoe closet.
Wow thats hard to miss!
Sasquatch eat yer heart out!
At least that would make it much easier for her to paint her toenails!
She’s have to use one of those big roller brushes.
She probably did have to buy new sandals because of her new shoe size…
My guess is that the spell worked from the ankles down so her sandals grew with her feet.
I’ll bet she could water ski with those!
I’m sure she could!
Morgan: “My, what big feet you have Claustria!”
Claustria: “All the better to kick you to the moon with Morgan McCorkindale!!”
….thats how I see THIS going! [smirk]
Those feet are Stompin’ size, for sure!
I hope a free pedicure comes with those sandals.
That’s easy enough. Can I borrow a pair of garden shears?
She probably has very good balance.
Ain’t nobody gonna be knocking her off those feet!
I love this character because he reminds me of Joey Ramone if Joey Ramone was a jerk with giant feet.
Never thought about that, but you’re right!
Nothing scares me more than a woman with big feet
You must be suffering from podophobia. Just be careful when you slow dance with ’em if you value your toes.
She can use those sandals to go canoeing
Or snow skiing!
Somethings afoot!
I’m certain she won’t be able to sneak up on anybody with those!
He got her good!
She could have a very promising career as a grape crusher in a Vineyard with those monstrosities.
Haha, Becky, that is such a funny visual!
She could perform great “feats” in her future.
Every journey begins with a single humongous step, Chris!
‘Bigfoot cartoonists’ are back in style!
Are you familiar with Boody Rogers’ Slap Happy? Talk about bigfoot cartoons!
Damn. All the the good foot puns are taken. I guess I’ll have to stand down.
It’s OK, Saeed, put your feet up and rest awhile. You’ll come up with something…
I didn’t notice anyone saying anything about her having alot of soul. It was a stretch but it could work. Or being able to play “footsie” from across a crowded room.
With feet that size, footsie involves some deep bruising and small bone fractures, but its otherwise great fun!
Gives a new meaning to “Bigfoot”! :`D
She makes Bigfoot’s feet look petite!
Those sandals should have an “all access to feet” label on the box. Plus, talk about big toes. Claustria has got some “boats” for feet!
She’s the only girl in the world who needs reverse beepers on her shoes!