When I was a little lad, I made an elaborate maze out of tissue boxes and paper towel tubes for my pet hamster. This brings me back to those fun times. Always great work, Mark.
I had both a pet rat and a pet gerbil. The gerbil loved when I’d put like four or five paper towel tubes together. He’d cross from one bed to another. The chewing part came after. Thanks for bringing back some great memories, Rich!
If only they knew who was really in the ju-ju
What is it with hamsters and cardboard tubes, anyway?
ZB looks great in a tube top! 🙂
It might look good, but it’s not very easy to get around in.
And very slimming too!
Getting it on was the easy part…
Sounds good!
Even with those little bitty ears!
That’s what ran behind my stove! The cats are going bonkers in the kitchen trying to get it.
If I looked like that, I’d hide behind a stove, too!
When I was a little lad, I made an elaborate maze out of tissue boxes and paper towel tubes for my pet hamster. This brings me back to those fun times. Always great work, Mark.
I had both a pet rat and a pet gerbil. The gerbil loved when I’d put like four or five paper towel tubes together. He’d cross from one bed to another. The chewing part came after. Thanks for bringing back some great memories, Rich!
You should post this on Ju-Ju tube.
Instead of Likes, I’d get Curses.
Ah. I used to have several pet rats that loved those tubes. Until they were too fat to get into them, then they just ate them.
Yea, my gerbil would just chew through those in no time. My rat would go everywhere with me sitting on my shoulder, his name was Peanut.
The transformation is really taking hold!
It’s that hamster DNA!
He just needs to keep on rolling 🙂
He’s got to get out of that tube first!
It’s toilet scented, too!
Could a cardboard tube get any more desirable?
And quite fashionable, too!
It’s simple and sleek.
Totally tubular mark! Great stuff!
Thanks so much, Matt!
Very cute!
Don’t let Zombie Boy hear that, Brad! He hates that word!
Well, I guess spanx are out then! [smirk]
Are Spanx available in frog size?
Ju-Ju and the perfect teeth cutter for your average zombie imp.
A Good make-shift cover up!
I doubt anyone would recognize him in that!
Someone should get ZB out of that cage before he gets stuck in hamster form! O.o
He doesn’t seem to be in too much of a hurry. I think he’s (gasp) starting to enjoy rodent/frog life!