Trouble With Truggz

Trugg strip thumbnail sketch
I wanted to share my rough thumbnail sketch of today’s strip with you. This is typically how I begin a strip, with a tiny sketch loosely rendered with some dialogue notes. Each panel is generally about the size of a postage stamp, I’m not concerned with too much detail. I just want to get the concept down as simply as possible. You’ll notice that the third frame is different in the final art, I used that frame in the next strip. Sometimes I wish I could keep the energy of these rough sketches in the final art, but that is a really hard thing to do.
Hahaha! You know dogs. I guess Zugg didn’t get quite the reaction from the surface he thought he would.
My dog will pee on anything! Even people if they stand still for too long!
That’s a pretty good incentive to keep moving!
I have to watch him every moment if I stop to talk with anyone, for real.
Does that mean Gorr now commands Zugg? Imagine a dog with that much power behind him. Scary!
Just wait til you see what Gorr commands!
That’s the dog’s philosophy of life – piss on it! They know what’s best!
You can’t argue with Mother Nature.
you can try! i saw my friend having a conversation with a oak for like 30 minutes (the oak was verry rude and pretended not to hear him, we all knew that oak was a snubby bastard)
Maybe that oak was just shy. At least he doesn’t cry all the time like that willow!
Pee on him!!! Mark your territory.
You know it, Bearman! This gag came directly from my dog, who will let nothing stand between him and his hiked leg.
Well at least Gorr’s establishing his position well in advance. Love the expression on Zugg’s face in the last panel.
The thumbnail is very cool, I love seeing the behind the scenes on the though process and rough sketches before a webcomic comes together. Thanks for sharing with us.
I was happy with Zugg’s face in that panel, too. It’s really hard to give expressions to Truggz, they have those tusks to contend with! I’m glad you liked the sketches, Todd. I’ve been wanting to do that for a while. Seems I’m not the only one who enjoys getting a behind the scenes peek at how it’s done.
I keep a spiral notebook and do about four sketches a page. Most people wouldn’t even know what they were looking at if they saw them. That was very cool Mark, I love “behind the scenes” type stuff!
The thumbnails are more of a shorthand really, just to get the idea down. Sometimes I follow what I doodled, but sometimes I have to rethink the layout if it will make the gag funnier. Behind the scenes process demos are something I love too. Never can get enough!
My wife hates it when I take ownership of things like that…
Anything outside of the house should be OK, Brandon. Just don’t try to own the Thanksgiving dinner!
Seems Zugg is getting his golden shower upon arrival! o.O
And what a warm welcome indeed!
What would you do with a king of the truggz once you own it? It’s not like you could really trade it in for something else!
I don’t think it would be easy to re-gift a 12 foot tall shaggy red beast with fangs! A cute little bow tied over the horns probably won’t help either!
And it won’t easily fit into a gift bag!
Heh, that’s right, Jerry! Or fit under a Christmas tree for that matter!
Could always try to bury it!
I bet that’s exactly what a Trugg wants you to do!
Gorr is just slicking down Zugg’s toup!
I wonder how long he’ll wear it?
Mark, thank you for sharing with us your hand drawn sketch of your storyboard. I do the exact same thing (but not as neat!). Great comic and good job making something so terrifying adorable
Aww shucks, Jenn! So do you do everything digitally including your roughes or do you work traditionally?
It goes to show that, no matter what you, there’s always gonna be someone else on top. 🙂
Haha, well said George!
That’s one way of claiming your territory! Thanks for sharing the thumbnails too 😀
It’s survival of the fittest! I’m glad you enjoy the sketches Daniel.
tup and now zugg king of the trugg belongs to gorr D: he has a entire army t his disposal we are all doomed D:
Heh heh. Who knows what Gorr will do?
Haha! Well done Gorr!
Thanks for shearing the sketch!
Thanks Hjortur. I’m glad you like them. I like to see the behind the scenes stuff, too.
Uh Oh, I had a feeling the Truggz were gunna break through to the surface. Maybe the blackbirds weren’t so bad after all…
Gorr has such a simple way of dealing with major problems. If only all problems were that easy a solution.
Gorr rained on the Truggz’s parade.
I like the way the Truggz breaks through to the surface.
Neat to see your sketch, too.
Thanks, Binky! Glad you like it, I’m going to publish another sketch with tomorrow’s strip, too.
I guess Gorr is raining on their parade. The Truggz look awesome, and thank you for showing a little behind the scenes action there.
You’re welcome Roland, I really appreciate that you like it. I love to see when artists show their work process, too.
Great punchline. Thanks for the sketches too. Great to see how other cartoonist work.
So true, Frank. I’m fascinated when I see articles about how other cartoonists make their strips.
Aw, that monster is pretty cute!
Thanks! Big and Red, you can’t go wrong!