Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, Or what’s a heaven for?
                                                                                                                   Robert Browing
I’m glad I’m not reeky lyk Gorr or I wood get too menny barths
Some dogs never smell good Dixie. You’re lucky!
Heck, forget dogs, some PEOPLE never smell good!
At least dogs have an excuse. And we won’t even begin to discuss comic book convention hygiene…
How many times do you have to wash the towel to get the stench off.
Those go directly into the garbage. There’s no hope.
Somebody needs to power-wash that pooch… They could also try hanging air freshener around his neck.
That’s not a bad idea. I think you just gave me another strip idea…Thanks, Jerry!
Ha! Air freshner collar.
he :p
love gorr’s face in the last panel xD
Thanks, Bob.
My wife says the same thing about me after I’ve spent the day doing yardwork. 🙂
It’s all good as long as she stays up-wind, George!
He even sleeps up wind in bed.
More like a dog house outside!
Well if you didn’t roll in the dead worms, maybe she wouldn’t complain!
It’s in his genes. Like how you handled the last panel.
The old super close-up. Saves a lot of drawing time!
My favorite gags are ones that play off words! …wait, don’t they ALL do THAT?!? [smirk]
You’re a man of discriminating taste, Jynksie.
Oh man, love it. Plus it would depend on what parts that reek is coming from, if you get what I mean.
Gorr is a living black hole, so that smell could be coming from anywhere!
Haha! Gorr is a very lovable and a very smelly dog! This comic reminds me of the book “Walter the Farting Dog” 😀
Nothing like a wet, smelly dog!
Secret; strong enough for a man…BUT NOT FOR GORR!
Gorr would eat Secret.
Dogs always smell great wet. Well, I bet they think they do!
I’m sure it doesn’t bother them in the least!
I had a dog with the same mutant power. 🙂
If you ask me dogs always smell the worst after a bath. Wet fur is very pungent.
But the love is so unconditional!
Why does my boyfriend still reek after a bath? =P
Your boyfriend is not a Wookie, is he?