Keep on Truggin’

Trugg Minions Thumbnail Sketch
Here is the thumbnail sketch of today’s strip. You’re looking at it at almost the exact size I drew it. You’ll also notice notes I’ve made to remind me of how I’m going to finalize the art.
Trugg Minions Thumbnail Sketch
Here is the thumbnail sketch of today’s strip. You’re looking at it at almost the exact size I drew it. You’ll also notice notes I’ve made to remind me of how I’m going to finalize the art.
I love this so much. Gorr should always be King Gorr.
He’s a simple king. Thanks Will, means a lot.
I am surprised at how willingly such huge monstrous creatures follow Gorr’s commands. That’s one awesome bone
It’s his doggy charisma!
Hey can I pee on some Truggs too. I’m sure they could drag up some massive chunks of cheese
Peeing on a Trugg is easy, Cedric. Finding one is the problem!
That’s what I always say.
Why can’t real life be more like comic strips? haha
Maybe if I dig a really big hole in Drawing Bloke’s lawn I may find the entry to the Trugg Kingdom???
I kan help Sedric dig the hol
oops I poot my komment in the rong playse
Cedric could use someone with your incredible digging skills, Dixie!
You can certainly try. Truggz are a rare and mysterious species. No human has ever seen one before. Now rats on the other hand…
I bet he’d scare the bejeezus out of any cats that came across his path with his new Truggly minions.
It would take the whole cat/dog dichotomy to an entirely new level.
OOh! And what if it ended up a war between Gorr and his Trugg army VS. some cat with their own minion horde?!
Hmmm, that’s something to think about….
ow thank god 😀 now i can go shopping for supplies before he will rule over us all xD but seriously im more frightend about what that bone was a part of O-o
That was a finger bone, Bob! They grow ’em BIG underground!
Now, all I can think of, is what kind of creature would have that large of a bone
Some things are best left 50 miles beneath the Earth’s surface.
My dog has a bone in his mouth 231/2 hours a day! What else would he wish for?
A bigger bone?
What kind of animal did that come off? haha
What happens to grow enormously large in the primordial world of the Truggz stays in the primordial world of the Truggz.
That’s what I’d like to know. No matter what bone that is, whatever it came from is gargantuan!
Gorr had a big bone to pick.
So true, Brandon! He’ll be chewing on that thing for decades!
Loving this arch! Both the story and the trajectory of Gorr’s urine:)
Thanks, Javis. Gorr is an acceptable beast, as long as he’s not aiming at us!
Dogs would make great kings. Beautiful strip (as usual!)
I agree, Stephen. I can see Claremont with a crown! Thanks for stopping in and your nice comment!
Really well executed, and funny.
Thanks J.P. Nice to hear things like that from artists you admire.
I like the colors and the look of that freakishly large bone!
I would not want to meet whom or what ever it came from..
Finger bones are particularly tasty. Frankly, I’d hate to imagine what that creature may have looked like, too.
This is great!! Love your color choices, too.
Thanks Michael, glad you like it!
I’m sure it’ll probably take a couple of hours for Gorr to chew through that!
You certainly have faith in that pooch, Jerry!
So much death surround him!
He’s in his private boneyard.
All hail Gorr, King of bones! Haha…
I guess he’ll be busy for a day or two.
You could say that, haha. Let the royal gnawing begin!
Funny enough, that’s what I would do too.
No bones about it, hunh, Josh?
Gorr’s got enough bone there for, days!
I’m just glad I didn’t have to draw the whole skeleton, that’s all!
I think I have bone envy! o.O …can I say THAT?!? [tap-tap, is this thing on?!?]
I just plugged that cable in on your mike, Jynksie. You’re on!
He’s going to have some very strong jaw muscles after chomping his way through that beast of a bone.
It will sure keep him busy!
Way to use your power responsibly!
With great power comes great big bones!
Haha!! Smart boy!
Gorr has his priorities!
Wow, Gorr might be set for awhile now. That is one big bone!
Check back with him in a decade or two, we’ll see…
Awesome. Very funny and fun. Love the thumbnail too.
Appreciate it Frank. I love your Process Page as well. Cool to see how you approach your work.