Inside Voice
Ok, there’s this big blonde girl who lives on my street, about ten houses away, who has the loudest voice of any human I’ve ever encountered. She’ll be sitting on the front steps of her house talking with a friend, and you can hear her voice literally a half a block away. Sometimes when I’m walking my dog past her house, I can hear her talking inside. The more I thought about it, ideas just kept popping up for a character. One who had no personal audial boundaries. She so inspired me, I added Sadie to the cast.
Hey, can you guys keep it quiet – I’m here at work, trying to take a nap!
I was reading how 20,000 people turned out to hear Abraham Lincoln give his inaugural address, and I wondered how that even works without a microphone. I guess you have to have a very big outside voice.
Well Abraham Lincoln was certainly tall enough, maybe that helped…?
you cannot handle the truth!!! i mean, you cannot handle the outside voice! 😉