Adorable is the word!
What’s not to love about a mutt milliner?
Just needs to add a flower or two for emphasis 🙂
You know, J.P., you inspired this strip with your “turban” comment over on Instagram.
Wow this is really great and a fine tribute to the old 1930’s classics ☺
I love those bouncy toons from that era! You can’t watch ’em without smiling!
More ears than he knows what to do with!
Good thing Solstice has a few ideas!
A new style for every day of the week! 🙂
I heard that!
Just as long as dog ears don’t do that weird/gross inside out thing… it’s all good.
Same effect as when someone flips their eyelids, creeps me out every time!
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Adorable is the word!
What’s not to love about a mutt milliner?
Just needs to add a flower or two for emphasis 🙂
You know, J.P., you inspired this strip with your “turban” comment over on Instagram.
Wow this is really great
and a fine tribute to the
old 1930’s classics ☺
I love those bouncy toons from that era! You can’t watch ’em without smiling!
More ears than he knows what to do with!
Good thing Solstice has a few ideas!
A new style for every day of the week! 🙂
I heard that!
Just as long as dog ears don’t do that weird/gross inside out thing… it’s all good.
Same effect as when someone flips their eyelids, creeps me out every time!