I swear the next strip will be the last NO for awhile. No, really!
I know some gnomes who might take you to nowhereland if you continue with this “NO-menclature”
Gnomes? Hmmm, I think I like the sound of that….G(NO!)mes!
Oh NOooooooooooo!!!! 😉
Murphy’s Law will always be stronger than the force of NO.
No planning equals no success.
The best laid schemes of zombies and men, Go often askew.
Do they really need a megaphone??? NO!!!
Funny you should say that. Stay tuned for the next and final (finally! It’s about time!) strip.
Hahaha! I don’t think Zombie Boy was ready for someone to tell HIM no. How does it feel, ZB? 😀
You know he didn’t like that! The NO saga continues for one final strip, then hopefully I’ve gotten all those NOs out of my system.
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I swear the next strip will be the last NO for awhile. No, really!
I know some gnomes who might take you to nowhereland if you continue with this “NO-menclature”
Gnomes? Hmmm, I think I like the sound of that….G(NO!)mes!
Oh NOooooooooooo!!!! 😉
Murphy’s Law will always be stronger than the force of NO.
No planning equals no success.
The best laid schemes of zombies and men,
Go often askew.
Do they really need a megaphone???
Funny you should say that. Stay tuned for the next and final (finally! It’s about time!) strip.
Hahaha! I don’t think Zombie Boy was ready for someone to tell HIM no. How does it feel, ZB? 😀
You know he didn’t like that! The NO saga continues for one final strip, then hopefully I’ve gotten all those NOs out of my system.