I hope when my 15 clicks of fame come around I won’t squander it, you can’t download more time, once it’s gone…it’s gone. Wow, what if that was it…what if I just witnessed my 15 clicks go by and didn’t know it. Zombie Boy, quick find some kind of magic ju-ju juice for me to drink to go back and do it all over again…please.
No magic juju juice required. Just keep giving people reason to keep up with you and those fifteen clicks could go on forever…. Of course, a little magic couldn’t hurt, either…
We are already pretty much there. The computer is already being used as the number one source of information over the TV. Expressions should follow in the direction. ZB could be right.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste which is why zombies were invented, the ultimate form of recycling.
The second time around is better than the first time!
That is so accurate it’s frightening.
Fame gets bored with a person pretty quickly.
Nice way to put a new spin on an old expression!
Maybe fifteen clicks are too many…?
hehehe if anyone can be keep a blog, it’s fact. XD
That’s right, Pancho!
In the future? That’s happening right now! Very funny. 8)
And five of those clicks are accidents!
I hope when my 15 clicks of fame come around I won’t squander it, you can’t download more time, once it’s gone…it’s gone. Wow, what if that was it…what if I just witnessed my 15 clicks go by and didn’t know it. Zombie Boy, quick find some kind of magic ju-ju juice for me to drink to go back and do it all over again…please.
No magic juju juice required. Just keep giving people reason to keep up with you and those fifteen clicks could go on forever…. Of course, a little magic couldn’t hurt, either…
LOl … And Warhol nods in confirmation as he roles over.
Typo = rolls
Fifteen minutes is far too much time these days!
We all get our 15 minutes, we just have no control over when It’ll be! [blinks]
That’s the bad part about it, those fifteen are very elusive and unpredictable!
Those 15 clicks are when you make the most money from the blog ads!
That’s an extra 5 cents – yes!
Haha, true! But it’ll probably be for 15 NANO clicks!
15 nano clicks is far more accurate, Marieke!
We are already pretty much there. The computer is already being used as the number one source of information over the TV. Expressions should follow in the direction. ZB could be right.
The shelf life of internet celebrity is brief, and the expiration date keeps getting shorter!
Looks like between the two of them they just use 12 of those clicks up…
Duncan better keep his hands off the keyboard for a while!
Damn! Only 15 click? lol
And that’s not even pay per click!
Andy Warhol would be proud. I just need to figure out what to do AFTER my 15 clicks.
Maybe you can parlay those 15 clicks into 15 more clicks! Just don’t let those initial 15 clicks go to your head!
It’s so true, the internet’s opened a lot of doors and let a lot of people through. Including artists!
But like anything else, it takes a lot hard work to be successful, it doesn’t just happen.
Unless you know who to pay off.
Unless you know who to pay per click off.
If I can get 15 clicks, I’ll take it!
It’s better than some people get!
I think that future is NOW!
It certainly seems so!
I like your version of the expression better.
I think it applies better now.
I want my 15 clicks back!!
There’s plenty more clicks where they came from!
Considering technology comes close to how it is in Minority Report. It won’t be 15 clicks, more like 15 panel views.
That’s a scary, but true, thought!
One click of fame, five nanoseconds, guys. That’s all folks! (But if you make comics you get that every update!) ;`D
Stop updating and you will vanish into the web. Sad, but true.
Ah, the internet, where it’s easier to be infamous than famous…
I wonder which is better, fame or infame? I’d say fame, but I think they are neck and neck.
We’ll be lucky if it’s 15
If I stopped posting for a month, it would be as if I never existed.
So true.
It will happen to all of us eventually.
Has Worhol had his 15 clicks of fame yet?
Not sure. He died before the internet took off…
Seems like Zombie Boy is a little jealous if you ask me.
I wrote this because I wanted to put some perspective on the whole “internet celebrity” thing. It’s a small world, after all.
Cool way to update a great saying (and take the wind out of his sails).
People need to keep things in perspective. Internet celebrity can be a very fleeting and limited thing.
I bet a lot of them visit to check his beard update photos. I know I do
I’m sure he would be very pleased to know that, Tony!
Fifteen clicks? And they are probably all from bots.
Yep and all in your spam folder! Thanks for stopping by and commenting Colleen!
very clever turn of phrase.
nicely done.
Thanks, Rolfe!