Comments Wanted. No Experience Necessary.
on May 17, 2011
Ok, it’s like this. I’ve been drawing this strip for almost a year now and I’d like some feedback. If you like what I’m doing, please send me a comment. It’s the only compensation that I get from all the work I put into this. And I know you’re out there, I can see you in my stats! Please drop me a line, it would greatly appreciated.
Well, of course I’m your number one fan, but I can’t be the only one out here! Speak up, youse guys!
You’re a true pal. Thanks for your support!
Unlike many newspaper comic strips, yours is actually amusing.
Thanks, Robert. Hey I like your new blogsite:
Especially like the Flash Gordon style spaceship animation!
Thanks! I actually got some work out of that one.
Aarrgh! I’m a bad buddy in that I haven’t been commenting. Will do more from now on – promise!!
Bad, buddy! Bad! No, really thanks for coming by and commenting, Jeff. I appreciate your input.
I just discovered this comic via Twitter (so you know that format works). I like what i see so far and I’ll make sure to take a trip thru the archives to get a good feel of what this series is all about. Good luck with your efforts! I know how hard it can be.
Thanks for stopping by George. Yeah it can be a real chore doing these strips, but I guess I love the process so much, that makes it worthwhile. I’m planning to do an archive dive myself on your work, I’ve heard great things about it. Oh, and check out this strip. Kind of reminds me of your strip today. Great minds thinking alike?