Good one! I like the continued storyline thing – I’d like to see each week’s episodes make up one continued story like this. Or, just more “piss” jokes!
Thanks, Davo.
I like the continued storylines too. If I can find the time, I’d love to do five strips a week, but right now it’s just not doable. Speaking of storylines, I’ve got a two week arc of “science fair” strips starting next week. Hope you like ’em!
Good one! I like the continued storyline thing – I’d like to see each week’s episodes make up one continued story like this. Or, just more “piss” jokes!
Thanks, Davo.
I like the continued storylines too. If I can find the time, I’d love to do five strips a week, but right now it’s just not doable. Speaking of storylines, I’ve got a two week arc of “science fair” strips starting next week. Hope you like ’em!
That’s one of the most unfortunate natural disasters.