That one unraveled quickly.
There’ll be plenty more strips where that came from, Julian!
Take it wherever you go!
Have panel, will travel!
That unraveled quickly!
Imagine how fast it would have been if this was only two panels!
Got to be careful when pulling strings.
This happens to some of my good shirts, too!
He broke the fourth wall string.
There goes the fabric of reality!
I don’t think reality is a very good tailor…
Hehe, never pull the string!
Or the finger!
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That one unraveled quickly.
There’ll be plenty more strips where that came from, Julian!
Take it wherever you go!
Have panel, will travel!
That unraveled quickly!
Imagine how fast it would have been if this was only two panels!
Got to be careful when pulling strings.
This happens to some of my good shirts, too!
He broke the fourth wall string.
There goes the fabric of reality!
I don’t think reality is a very good tailor…
Hehe, never pull the string!
Or the finger!