Congratulations on #900 Mark. Only a hundred more to go until the big One.
This strip is a very clever use of panels. I never would’ve thought of anything like this.
Thank you, Tony! To be honest, I was having a hard time figuring out what to do in this strip, so I started doodling around until I had the idea of him digging into the panel. That’s where the bones came in. Looking at it now, it seems like it should have been the other way around.
I do dig this!
Thank you, Gruhn!
Gorr loves his bones and that’s a very cool 900th comic!
I kind of piled in on for my 900th! Thanks, David!
900 comics! I think you deserve a big bone, Mark!
900 strips is a lot to chew on! Thank you, Peter!
Whether it is reaching 900 comics or getting the hidden pile of bones, where there is a will, there is a way. Congratulations!
Thank you, Nef! Gorr will leave no bone ungnawed!
I won’t take the time to count, but I’ll assume that there are exactly 900 bones in that pile!
The only thing I’m sure of is that Gorr will gnaw on every one of them!
Seems like only yesterday I was congratulating you on 700, great work Mark!
200 strips later, and things look better than ever!
That means a lot, Jim! Thanks so much for your support and nice words!
Love these wordless strips.
They take some work to figure out, but at least I don’t have to letter the word balloons, lol. Thanks, Danny!
An epic milestone, congratulations. This creative composition and it’s execution are worthy of being number 900 !! Gorr-tastic !!
I do appreciate that, J.P. It’s funny how 900 kind of snuck up on me. They sure do build up after a while!
Thanks so much, Tom!
Wow, 900 Zombie Boy comics, awesome! 🙂
Thank you, Paul! It’s been a fun journey getting here!
Congratulations on #900 Mark. Only a hundred more to go until the big One.
This strip is a very clever use of panels. I never would’ve thought of anything like this.
Thank you, Tony! To be honest, I was having a hard time figuring out what to do in this strip, so I started doodling around until I had the idea of him digging into the panel. That’s where the bones came in. Looking at it now, it seems like it should have been the other way around.
900!!! Holy crow Mark! Congratulations!!! 😀
Thanks so much, Bill!
Congratulations on #900! 🙂
Thanks, Tom!
Amazing! Congrats.
I appreciate that, Leroy!
Congrats on 900 strips Mark! I think Gorr has a bone to pick!
You’ll have to try to get it away from him first! Thanks so much, Mat!
Congrats Pal! I guess Gorr’s taking over designing his own strips!