Now THAT is how you mark your territory!
Distance is no obstacle!
I see a cartoon movie here. Possibly a trilogy.
Gorr of the Galaxy: The Bladder Awakens
All Gorr’s!
Somewhere on that planet a fire hydrant is about to get hit!
With pinpoint accuracy!
Earth, to Major Gorr….
Sitting in a tin can far above the world…
Gorr will have a lot of work to do in the asteroid field.
Haha, he’s up for the challenge!
Hope that planet isn’t made of cheese.
It’s his planet now, any way you slice it.
He should mark the sun and claim the whole solar system at once!
That’s his aim!
Mark, your “Mine” gag has just gone where no Mine gag has gone before!
I wonder if this will affect the Prime Directive?
I had a dog like that once.
My dog Pooj would pee on ANYTHING. Even me, if I stood still too long.
Now that’s a statement!
Making his splash on the cosmos!
That’s one planet marked. Only umpteen trillion more to go
So many solar systems, so little time!
First of all, I love the design of the dog spaceship! Secondly, thanks for informing all of us on how space dogs mark their territory!
Thanks, Denny! I’d say Gorr has a rather active imagination!
Pee bombs?! What’s next – a ‘Tractor Stream’?
And in space no one can hear you stream…
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Now THAT is how you mark your territory!
Distance is no obstacle!
I see a cartoon movie here. Possibly a trilogy.
Gorr of the Galaxy: The Bladder Awakens
All Gorr’s!
Somewhere on that planet a fire hydrant is about to get hit!
With pinpoint accuracy!
Earth, to Major Gorr….
Sitting in a tin can far above the world…
Gorr will have a lot of work to do in the asteroid field.
Haha, he’s up for the challenge!
Hope that planet isn’t made of cheese.
It’s his planet now, any way you slice it.
He should mark the sun and claim the whole solar system at once!
That’s his aim!
Mark, your “Mine” gag has just gone where no Mine gag has gone before!
I wonder if this will affect the Prime Directive?
I had a dog like that once.
My dog Pooj would pee on ANYTHING. Even me, if I stood still too long.
Now that’s a statement!
Making his splash on the cosmos!
That’s one planet marked. Only umpteen trillion more to go
So many solar systems, so little time!
First of all, I love the design of the dog spaceship! Secondly, thanks for informing all of us on how space dogs mark their territory!
Thanks, Denny! I’d say Gorr has a rather active imagination!
Pee bombs?! What’s next – a ‘Tractor Stream’?
And in space no one can hear you stream…