Yes it does! Hopefully he won’t finish it in one gulp so he’ll be put for a bit. 😉
I’ve seen turtles eat. This may take a while…
hahaha Poor guys are right in the line of fire after he eats all those greens!
That would make it a triple curse! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, Enrique!
Thanks for that warm welcome Mark! Looking forward to reading more Zombie Boy!
You’re most welcome, Enrique! I’m looking forward to reading more Kitkaridoo, as well!
Go green or go home.
Or go back for seconds!
It’s going to be a grazing extravaganza!
A graze rave!
That’s one fast turtle!
It’s amazing what appetite adrenaline can do!
Maybe as soon as he gets full in about a week.
He’ll probably be barred from the salad bar at this rate, anyway!
Perhaps they could add a bit to the incantation so that the salad ends up in their bellies! Really cool comic Mark 🙂
There’s certainly enough salad there for everybody! Thanks, Matt!
Come on, there’s always time for a salad!
I know, right?
I see where he gets his color from.
His mom and dad are partly to blame, too!
Now that’s some ruffage!
Mount Ruffage!
Hurry up with spell before more food appears!
Magic always takes a back seat to a growling stomach!
Being human is fun! All-you-can-eat salad bars!
I know they’re one of my human perks!
That’s a serious salad. He needs bacon with that, or turtle soup perhaps
If it was on the salad bar, you can bet it’s in the salad!
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Yes it does! Hopefully he won’t finish it in one gulp so he’ll be put for a bit. 😉
I’ve seen turtles eat. This may take a while…
hahaha Poor guys are right in the line of fire after he eats all those greens!
That would make it a triple curse! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, Enrique!
Thanks for that warm welcome Mark! Looking forward to reading more Zombie Boy!
You’re most welcome, Enrique! I’m looking forward to reading more Kitkaridoo, as well!
Go green or go home.
Or go back for seconds!
It’s going to be a grazing extravaganza!
A graze rave!
That’s one fast turtle!
It’s amazing what appetite adrenaline can do!
Maybe as soon as he gets full in about a week.
He’ll probably be barred from the salad bar at this rate, anyway!
Perhaps they could add a bit to the incantation so that the salad ends up in their bellies! Really cool comic Mark 🙂
There’s certainly enough salad there for everybody! Thanks, Matt!
Come on, there’s always time for a salad!
I know, right?
I see where he gets his color from.
His mom and dad are partly to blame, too!
Now that’s some ruffage!
Mount Ruffage!
Hurry up with spell before more food appears!
Magic always takes a back seat to a growling stomach!
Being human is fun! All-you-can-eat salad bars!
I know they’re one of my human perks!
That’s a serious salad. He needs bacon with that, or turtle soup perhaps
If it was on the salad bar, you can bet it’s in the salad!