Look out it’s a Pumpkin-lanche!
I imagine those big pumpkins could really do some damage!
It’s a pumpkin-lanche! 🙂
Last one to the bottom of the hill is a flattened egg!
Get him Gorr. 🙂
The last thing on Gorr’s mind is danger.
Ruuuuunnnnn!!! Gorr needs to be kept on a short leash. But really it was the cat’s fault ‘cos they aren’t to be trusted
I think that cat was just in the wrong place at a wronger time!
They just started a pumpkin 5k!
Lol, brilliant, Tim!
Oh! What a cute kitty … Ahhhhhhh run for your lives!
It’s the Apumkinlypse!
This one just leaves me speechless!
And breathless!
I don’t think I’ve seen more than one bubble of dialog in your comic in several weeks, and it’s still been great!
Bah, word balloons are for puny humans! Lol, thanks, Mike!
Those pumpkins can make a pie out of you!
Well on the plus side…they don’t have to carry them home
They carry YOU home!
A beautiful avalanche of pumpkins, go Gorr go!
That’s probably the first time I’ve ever heard the words “beautiful” and “avalanche” together, David!
Good one Gorr. At least he’s chasing the cat down hill away from the pumpkin avalanche.
He’s a cat-seeking missile.
Would this be a Gorr-alanche? Or a Pumpkin-roll?!? [grin] ..or a kitty-catastrophe?!?
D: All of the above.
Oops! Run before you get really truly squashed! :`D Love it, Mark!
Squashed by a squash! Sounds fun just to say it, Jande!
Run, Run, RUNNN!!
He moves pretty fast for a zombie, don’t you think?
Another home run! Too bad there aren’t any curse bubbles 🙂
They’re too busy running to curse, Francesca!
Gorr is more interested in the cat than the pumpkin stampede! Love it.
At this moment, that cat is the center of Gorr’s universe.
Well that’s truly put the cat amongst the pumpkins! Wait… that’s not right…
Cat and dog amongst the pumpkins!
Who decided to make the stack at the top of the hill?
Whoever it was did a poor job of keeping my cartoon characters safe!
Death by pumpkin!
They’ll be rolling over in their graves!
Is this how Jack and Jill learned to do it? 🙂
If Zombie Boy breaks his crown you’ll know for sure.
I knew this would happen one day. The pumpkins are finally taking revenge.
Pumpkins of the Earth Unite!!
Picking out pumpkins can be awful dangerous.
Thank gosh it’s just once a year!
They gotta be speedy, like Jack-O’Rabbit quick!
Sounds like Halloweaster!
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Look out it’s a Pumpkin-lanche!
I imagine those big pumpkins could really do some damage!
It’s a pumpkin-lanche! 🙂
Last one to the bottom of the hill is a flattened egg!
Get him Gorr. 🙂
The last thing on Gorr’s mind is danger.
Gorr needs to be kept on a short leash. But really it was the cat’s fault ‘cos they aren’t to be trusted
I think that cat was just in the wrong place at a wronger time!
They just started a pumpkin 5k!
Lol, brilliant, Tim!
Oh! What a cute kitty … Ahhhhhhh run for your lives!
It’s the Apumkinlypse!
This one just leaves me speechless!
And breathless!
I don’t think I’ve seen more than one bubble of dialog in your comic in several weeks, and it’s still been great!
Bah, word balloons are for puny humans! Lol, thanks, Mike!
Those pumpkins can make a pie out of you!
Well on the plus side…they don’t have to carry them home
They carry YOU home!
A beautiful avalanche of pumpkins, go Gorr go!
That’s probably the first time I’ve ever heard the words “beautiful” and “avalanche” together, David!
Good one Gorr. At least he’s chasing the cat down hill away from the pumpkin avalanche.
He’s a cat-seeking missile.
Would this be a Gorr-alanche? Or a Pumpkin-roll?!? [grin] ..or a kitty-catastrophe?!?
D: All of the above.
Oops! Run before you get really truly squashed! :`D Love it, Mark!
Squashed by a squash! Sounds fun just to say it, Jande!
Run, Run, RUNNN!!
He moves pretty fast for a zombie, don’t you think?
Another home run! Too bad there aren’t any curse bubbles 🙂
They’re too busy running to curse, Francesca!
Gorr is more interested in the cat than the pumpkin stampede! Love it.
At this moment, that cat is the center of Gorr’s universe.
Well that’s truly put the cat amongst the pumpkins! Wait… that’s not right…
Cat and dog amongst the pumpkins!
Who decided to make the stack at the top of the hill?
Whoever it was did a poor job of keeping my cartoon characters safe!
Death by pumpkin!
They’ll be rolling over in their graves!
Is this how Jack and Jill learned to do it? 🙂
If Zombie Boy breaks his crown you’ll know for sure.
I knew this would happen one day. The pumpkins are finally taking revenge.
Pumpkins of the Earth Unite!!
Picking out pumpkins can be awful dangerous.
Thank gosh it’s just once a year!
They gotta be speedy, like Jack-O’Rabbit quick!
Sounds like Halloweaster!