Vincent Waller Studio Visit
Vincent Waller came by the studio recently for a visit and it was nice to catch up with him after many years. Vincent is a creative comrade and long-time friend of one of my studio mates, Benjamin Vincent, and he was passing through town and stopped by the studio. I first met Vincent back in 1993, when I was out in L.A. visiting. He was gracious enough to let me come by the Spumco offices, in the time he was storyboarding for The Ren & Stimpy Show. Wow, what an adventure! Vincent is currently creative director andĀ supervising producer forĀ SpongeBob SquarePants. Vincent drew an outrageous portrait of Zombie Boy from back in his comic book days on Spumco stationary, a portion of which I’m posting below. It was great to see you again, Vincent!

Zombie Boy by Vincent Waller
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