Zombie Boy by Sam Dealey
on April 5, 2016

Zombie Boy and Gorr by Sam Dealey
Sam Dealey creates a happy, irreverent world at Woohooligan. If you haven’t been exposed to Sam’s work, be prepared for smart, fresh, iconoclastic material that is sure to make you laugh and think at the same time. A while back, he sent me this fabulous image of Zombie Boy and Gorr, and he also included Zombie Boy in his comic strip as part of a Kickstarter reward for his Woohooligan Digital Funnies. I love Sam’s take on the JuJuvenile delinquent! You can see that strip here.
Sam is a funny guy, a fantastic writer/artist and a swell person, to boot! Be sure to check out his work at his site Woohooligan, and at his DeviantArt page.
Thanks, Sam!
You can also follow Sam on Twitter: @datafaucet
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