Gnoblin Boy by Mike Hearn

Click image to see the full Gnoblin Boy drawing.
He’s an immortal warlock with pitch black eyes and a mustache that could cut glass who wants nothing more than to wreak total mayhem upon an unprepared world. Known by many names (most of which I wouldn’t be able to post here due to the obscene nature of the vocabulary) he’s commonly referred to by those who fear him as Walter the Wicked. Mike Hearn concocted this magical megalomaniac and unleashed him upon the world at his website Walter the Wicked.
Mike is a super talented creator with an inventive and inimitable style, and also a swell guy who generously created this special Gnoblin gift based on Zombie Boy. It is accompanied with a sacred scroll which also curses Goblin Boy to serve the Wicked One for eternity! Thoughtful, ain’t it?
Thanks so much, Mike! Long Live Walter the Wicked!
Follow Mike on Twitter: @MikePHearn

Click image to visit Walter the Wicked.
Gnoblins are creepy looking especially with that extra big horn. Looks like Zombie Boy on steroids