Zombie Boy by Josh Hughes

Zombie Boy and Gorr by Josh Hughes
Josh Hughes is a cartoonist’s cartoonist. Everything the guy draws just sparkles with fun! Thanks so much Josh for gifting me and my readers with this amazing illustration! I just wonder at your wondrous talent, and really dig your rendition of Zombie Boy and Gorr. Bravo!
Josh has two strips online, Atomic Terrier is a high-flying space adventure filled with aliens, enormous space creatures, space pirates, and a cast of lovable characters that’s a joy to read! It buzzes with unbound creativity, and updates on Mondays and Thursdays.
Josh’s other strip follows the adventures of two robot brothers, The Bot Brothers, and it’s filled with phantasmagoric creatures pulled from the deep well of Josh’s bottomless imagination. Each strip is a delight, funny and spectacularly rendered. It updates on Wednesdays. Don’t miss either of these amazing strips, I guarantee you’ll love them!
Follow Josh on Twitter: @AtomicTerrier
At least Gorr seems happy for it. I like the way his arrowhead tail is pointing to his smile.
Great job Josh! Zombie Boy looks beautifully miserable! 😀
Fantastic artwork, Josh. I love everything about it!
Mark, thank you so much for the wonderful write up. I’ve been a fan of your work for awhile now and I only thought it right to give a little something back! Bill and Joseph you guys rock !! Thanks for all the warm fuzzies and if we meet in person, you’re totally getting a hug.
Awesome! It probably smells bad to be a zombie in the sun.
I really like your art style. Comical and real.