Tales of the Brothers Three Guest Strip

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What’s big and orange with six legs, pink ears and a prickly tongue? Click over to Tales of the Brothers Three and find out! Joshua Hauke asked me to contribute a guest strip for him, and I jumped at the chance to draw Keith, Wayne, Dougie, and, of course, the sock-swallowing Mook! My comic strip drawing hat is off to Josh for his tenacity as a cartoonist, it’s hard enough having to draw one character in each panel, let alone three brothers connected at the hips! My admiration for Josh’s work increased tenfold when I actually had to sit down and draw a strip with the boys in it! Monsters abound in the world of Brothers Three, so I decided I wanted to draw one, too. Thus was born a guest strip. Hop over and check it out! And while you’re at it, peruse Josh’s archives — lots of great adventures await you! “BRAAPPhHOORMPp!!”
Thanks for all the kind words Mark. It was certainly awesome to have you stand in. As I’m sure you know by now, I always love a good monster and the Braapphoormpp is a wonderful addition.
I still wish you’d do an illustrated monster bestiary of some of those beasts you keep mentioning. That’s one of the best aspects of your strip, Josh, your incredible imagination! Glad I could be a part of it!
Who knows Mark, it still could happen someday.
Looking forward to it!