Zombie Boy by Roland Perez
on November 2, 2011

Zombie Boy by Roland Perez
Check out this awesome drawing of ZB by Roland Perez, creator and producer of the comic Z & G (Zech & Geist). Roland’s strip has it all — pink ghosts, zombies, Anti-Zombie task forces, Grandmama’s, voodoo dolls, Task Force Agent Whisper, and plenty of action and great art. Roland updates every week on Mondays and Fridays. Stop by and check it out!

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Discussion (9) ¬
Well done!
I had a great time drawing Zombie Boy, It was loads of fun. I’m am glad you liked it Mark.
I’m really flattered, Roland! Love how you fit Zech in there too, it’s sort of like a mini-mini crossover.
Yikes Voodoo darts. I guess a bullseye wold be a bad thing then.
I don’t want to imagine the horror that will transcend if that happens, Tony!
Nice one, Roland!
Roland did a great job! Love the mischievious expression!
Grand job, Roland! 🙂