Zombie Boy Interns at Urban Jungle
on October 31, 2011

Zombie Boy cross-over at Urban Jungle
David Wilborn, the madman behind Urban Jungle, has graciously featured Zombie Boy in a special Halloween strip. Take a look at it here. And make a little archive dive and check out David’s hilarious strip about Zack, the only human in an office full of animals. Lots of funny stuff, with great art to boot!
Ha Ha ZB is rather goaty in appearance…
I thought I might say he’s a Baaaaa-d boy, but I won’t go there. David did a great job, and the strip is hilarious!
The other guy looks kind of like a goat with that chin hair. 🙂
That’s Zack. He works with animals in ties. Some of that could have rubbed off… You should check out David’s work, it’s fun stuff.