Girls’ Night Out
Beatrice is in some mighty good company, don’t you think? Some ectoplasmic candy corn to the first person who can identify the three legendary ladies Trick or Treating with Miss Stroud! Doc Provoc makes a guest appearance in this strip, as well. You can see some of his other appearances here, here, here, here, and here. Feel free to leave some comments, those strips love the attention!
Uh, Nephertiti, Marie Antoinette and Joan of Ark?
No, I don’t think I’m getting the actoplasmic candy
You got two out of three correct, Nef! But that’s not Marie Antoinette! I probably could have picked an easier woman to draw, but I’ve always wanted to draw her…
Ha ha – great one Mark! I wonder if the Long Island Medium travels with an entourage like Beatrice…
She probably has her own click of spirits, Kevin. I’m sure at least one is her dearly departed great, great aunt on her mother’s side…
Bea has a vivid imagination.
And she can channel like nobody’s business!
I would guess Cleopatra, Joan of Arc and Marie Antoinette.
That’s Joan of Arc alright, Tim! You’re close on Cleo, but the other one is a much more recent inductee into posterity…
The cool thing about having ectoplasmic friends go trick or treating with you is they cannot steal your candy!
But they can haunt and torment you until you lose your appetite!
Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, and Marie Antoinette.
You’re close on the first, correct on the second, and way off on the third. Marie Antoinette had been dead 114 years when the third woman was born.
I think the third is Joan of Arc.
I’m remembering the “Maude” theme song…
“Joan of Arc with the lord to guide her,
She was a sister who really cooked!
And then there’s Maude!!!”
She kind of looks like Maude the way I drew her…
Nice chaperons
Girls just want to have fun, Bearman!
Love the artwork in this Mark and Beatrice’s costume.
Thanks, David! I figured a mime would fit her sombre personality.
That’s the best deal. She gets to have company and doesn’t have to share any of her candy.
Those ladies are watching their figures, anyway…
I can get two out of the three… maybe… Cleopatra on the left… and Joan d’Arc on the right.
You got Joan of Arc correct. That’s not Cleopatra, but you’re awful close…!
Ghost posse! Gotta love it!
She’s the ghost host with the most!
Beatrice has some good backup!
Great strip as always, Mark! I can’t guess who they are so I’ll leave it to the pros… :O)
The company that you keep says a lot about you, don’t you think? Thanks, Joseph!
Nephertiti, Joan of Arc, and… Carmen Miranda?
Thanks for guessing, Tom. You got two right. No one has guessed the identity of the third lady, a very famous painter…
I shoulda known by the unibrow!
Yea, that was one of her most distinctive features. That and her underarm arm, lol. I think she was truly beautiful and had such personal style!
Frida Kahlo?
Yes sir! I think that colored line effect played havoc on all the detail, but I was sure the single eyebrow would give her away…
Invisible companions are the best. They don’t get any of your treats.
But ghosts can moan and wail and haunt you until you lose your appetite…
I like it that the ghosts all have their pumpkins. And I see he’s giving out the gross candy that can pull the caps off your teeth.
The best part about that kind of candy is that it will last for a few Halloweens, too! I remember when I was a kid, I’d separate my candy loot into groups: the very best (which I would eat immediately), the “it’ll do” candy that I would hang on to for a while, and the candy that I would only eat if I was desperate.
Ok, we have Joan of Arc, Nephertiti, and… Frieda Kahlo. Can’t miss those ‘brows anywhere.
Bingo! I always wanted to draw her, she had such style! Glad you got it, Aracona!
What pleasant company she keeps.
They like to think so too, Brandon!
is it frida kahlo? I see a unibrow!
You got it, Jack! You are most observant, glad you ID’d the brow!
That town must have a rich history!
A history as rich as a snack size bag of milk chocolate covered caramel!