on May 23, 2013

Earliest known Gorr sketch.
I was going through an old sketchbook of drawings I did when I was first putting together ideas for the Zombie Boy comic strip and I came across this early doodle of Gorr. At first, I wasn’t sure he was going to be a dog or a cat, or even what gender he was! As a matter of fact, I think my thought was that no one would know exactly what he was, haha. It’s interesting to note that the stripes stayed on and so did the basic body shape. So now you know where it all began, maybe you can see some of the reason why I call him a demon-dog! You can see Gorr’s first appearance here.
That’s really cool, Mark! I actually came across some old sketches of Vampa that I thought about sharing.
You should, Tim, I think people will really dig it!
Thanks for sharing!
It’s always fun to see how your favorite cartoon characters started.
If anyone hasn’t seen, check out the first year of the “Peanuts”. 😉
Yea, early Peanuts is so different looking! I really like that early style, though!
…and that’s how Marge Simpson gets her hair done.
uh… this comment was meant for the comic, not for this… Cool to see Gorr before he came out, by the way 🙂
She must not have many allergies.
I love seeing stuff like this! Thanks for sharing. From a small drawing do mighty characters grow.
Small it was, Stephen, probably no bigger than a postage stamp. I agree, it’s so much fun seeing the early work, you get a glimpse of the initial thought and see how it evolved.
I like the comment. Cat? Dog? 🙂
I wasn’t sure myself at the time!
So cool, Mark! Id love to see more of these. <3
Thanks, Jande, I’ll look around for more sketches and see what I can come up with.