The Other Side Guys – Ocean Spray
Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), the most documented psychic of the 20th Century, was called “The Sleeping Prophet” because of the psychic readings he gave while in a self-induced unconscious state. For more than 30 years of his adult life, Cayce gave psychic “readings” to thousands of seekers, diagnosing illnesses and revealing lives lived in the past and prophecies yet to come. He often had “readings” about Atlantis, in his opinion a large continent holding an ancient, highly evolved civilization which had ships and aircraft powered by a mysterious form of energy crystal.
History’s most renowned prophet, Nostradamus, and Cayce share an apartment in the afterlife in this series, The Other Side Guys, and you can see that to err is always human, even in the Divine. You can see The Other Side Guys’ previous appearances here, here, here and here.
Discussion (53) ¬
He’s like an evil humidifier!
At least he didn’t put Edgar’s hand in warm water. You know what that would do…
He would just think he was swimming with the maidens.
I think Nostradamus did him a favor. I mean it wasn’t a bad dream after all…
This guy’s beard it amazing!
Of course, the most amazing fortune-teller in history would have to have the most amazing beard!
ow nostradamus 😛
It would suck having to live with that guy!
told you before right 🙂 single room for eternity for me, il visit others when i feel like it *or when a house just asks to be haunted*
You got your afterlife already planned out Bob, lol!
a good horrormovie where you are the ghost can only be made with some propper planning 😛
And an enormous budget for special effects!
this series really lets you show off you ability. and man… i envy your hand drawing skills. i think my new years resolution is gonna be to draw every single character with either their hands in their pockets or wearing mittens. or maybe ill go the underfold route and just forego hands all together.
If you think of hands as shapes rather than individual fingers, they are easier to draw. I usually approach hands like mitts, get the position first and then break it down. It’s not necessary to make hands too detailed, either. Make your NY resolution that you will draw spectacular hands, they do help bring more life to your characters. Thanks for the compliment! what you’re saying is i should strive to better myself?!?! madness!!! (but for reals, i’ll be putting your advice to work)
I’m just saying if you choose to put all your hands in all your pockets or behind the bodies, you’re missing out on another level of expression. They’re hard to draw, but once you’ve mastered them, you’ll got more ammunition.
Mark, forgive me for the joke I must now make…
Now that’s what I call a wet dream!!!
Yep, it’s Friday, I’m allowed.
Since it’s Friday, you are approved.
just glad i wasnt the only sicko with that thought!
Sex is all in the brain, right? He woke up with a wet head, after all…
We sicko’s gotta stick together 😉
That’s what friends are for!
I love the “Other Side Guys” concept! Very cool…
Thanks Jerry. Oh, I wanted to compliment you on your new Die Now, Die Later storyline. Really fun stuff!
I’d love to see Ed & Nosty interact more with the ZB cast – have them take more trips to the “other side” now and again!
I’ll see what I can do Davo!
That would work. 🙂
I guess being in a dream state makes you highly suggestible.
I wonder what he would prognosticate if the dog were to lick his face while sleeping? But I’m not touching that thought with a 10 foot pole.
That might take his dream into a whole new dimension, J. P.! Maybe that’s not such a bad idea, after all…hmmmm.
I never thought of Nostradamus as a practical joker. Or maybe he’s a prophetical joker?
Nostradamus is a joker alright, but Edgar ain’t a pushover. I predict the shoe will be on the other foot next time!
Ha Ha Ol’ Nosty is such a kidder
And people take his funny little quatrains so seriously!
Sorry I commented late on this one, been under the weather. It’s really cool to change it up like you do, webcomics do allow for that kind of freedom. I always look forward to what you do next!
I hope you feel better soon, Tim. These guys first appeared in a strip with Beatrice and after I thought about it I felt it would be fun to bring them back. For me working on other characters lets me take a break from the usual scenarios. I appreciate your nice compliment, too!
We’ve all had dreams like that! haha
Sweet dreams are made of this!
LOVE the teeth by the bedside. Nice chompers! o.O
Doesn’t it just fit the most renowned psychic of the 20th Century to be a simple, non-assuming, toothless man?
Good thing he didn’t put his hands in warm water while he slept…
Great comics!
That’s right, it woulda been a totally different dream! Thanks for stopping in and your nice comments. Your work is fun, are you working digitally?
Hmm…suspicious. I think I’ll definitely research this Edgar man. I love reading up on kooks!
Kooks make the world more interesting. Edgar Cayce is definitely worth looking into.
Very clever. Great strip. Really.
I think you are one person who can really appreciate this one considering all your excellent historical strips. Thanks, Frank!
I love the effect of the spray from the spray bottle. If I ever draw a spray bottle I’m coming here for reference 🙂
I’m glad you liked it Becky. It’s a doodle really, it’s the Photoshop airbrush effect more than the line.
Haha! Nostradamus is at it again!
Don’t worry, Edgar’s got a few pranks up his sleeve, too!